Thursday, September 30, 2010

first day of sewing class

I went to my first sewing class last night. I've gotten into sewing and painting recently as a side hobby but the sewing machine I have didn't really work that well. At my class I got to see what a good sewing machine runs like and I was so impressed. It was so much fun especially compared to hand sewing which I've resorted to due to the crappy sewing machine I've been working with. This is what I created at my first class.

If you can't tell, it's a very small pot holder. The lady giving me my lessons supplied me with scrap material that she had laying around along with some batting. It's not the prettiest thing by far (especially with my shadow hovering over it) but it was something I created on my own - with a sewing machine! How exciting! :o)

1 comment:

  1. very cute...i need a good sewing machine:) can't wait to see more


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Have a good day!